Seguid leyendo para ver la lista completa.
Amnesia - 3€
Atom Zombie Smasher - 3'40€
Bioshock - 4'99€
Bioshock 2 - 4'99€
Borderlands - 4'99€
Atom Zombie Smasher - 3'40€
Bioshock - 4'99€
Bioshock 2 - 4'99€
Borderlands - 4'99€
Borderlands: The Zombie Island of Dr. Ned - 1'99€
Burn Zombie Burn - 2'72€
Bunch of Heroes - 7'49€
Cthulhu Saves the World - 1'33€
Dark Fall: Lost Souls - 4'74€
Dead Island - 37'49€
Dead Space Pack - 15'29€
Devil May Cry® 3 Special Edition - 9'99€
Devil May Cry 4 - 9'99€
Dracula Origin - 4'99€
DUNGEONS - Steam Special Edition 10'19€
Dungeons - The Dark Lord - 20'09€
FEAR 3 - 29'99€
Ghostbusters: Sanctum of Slime - 3'99€
Ghost Master - 1'24€
Haunted House - 2'99€
Killing Floor Bundle - 8'75€
Left 4 Dead - 4'75€
Left 4 Dead 2 - 4'75€
Nation Red - 3'06€
Overlord Complete Pack - 4'99€
Painkiller Complete - 4'99€
Penumbra Collector Pack - 4'49€
Plants vs Zombies GOTY - 4'99€
Bunch of Heroes - 7'49€
Cthulhu Saves the World - 1'33€
Dark Fall: Lost Souls - 4'74€
Dead Island - 37'49€
Dead Space Pack - 15'29€
Devil May Cry® 3 Special Edition - 9'99€
Devil May Cry 4 - 9'99€
Dracula Origin - 4'99€
DUNGEONS - Steam Special Edition 10'19€
Dungeons - The Dark Lord - 20'09€
FEAR 3 - 29'99€
Ghostbusters: Sanctum of Slime - 3'99€
Ghost Master - 1'24€
Haunted House - 2'99€
Killing Floor Bundle - 8'75€
Left 4 Dead - 4'75€
Left 4 Dead 2 - 4'75€
Nation Red - 3'06€
Overlord Complete Pack - 4'99€
Painkiller Complete - 4'99€
Penumbra Collector Pack - 4'49€
Plants vs Zombies GOTY - 4'99€
Pound of Ground - 2'50€
Resident Evil 5 - 9'99€
Railworks 3: TS2012 + Trains vs Zombies - 16'99€
RIP - Trilogy™ - 1'25€
Rock of Ages - 5'99€
S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Bundle - 5'99€
SAW - 6'79€
Scratches - Director's Cut - 3'40€
Sherlock Holmes versus Jack the Ripper - 4'99€
Sherlock Holmes: The Awakened - Remastered Edition - 2'49€
Silent Hill Homecoming - 11'89€
Space Pirates and Zombies - 10'49€
Terraria - 4'99€
Trapped Dead - 4'49€
Vampire The Masquerade Bloodlines - 5€
Woody Two Legs: Attack of the Zombie Pirates - 1'24€
Zombie Bowl-o-Rama - 3'40€
Zombie Driver - 2'25€
Zombie Pirates - 3'24€
Zombie Shooter 1'24€
Zombie Shooter 2 - 2'24€
Resident Evil 5 - 9'99€
Railworks 3: TS2012 + Trains vs Zombies - 16'99€
RIP - Trilogy™ - 1'25€
Rock of Ages - 5'99€
S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Bundle - 5'99€
SAW - 6'79€
Scratches - Director's Cut - 3'40€
Sherlock Holmes versus Jack the Ripper - 4'99€
Sherlock Holmes: The Awakened - Remastered Edition - 2'49€
Silent Hill Homecoming - 11'89€
Space Pirates and Zombies - 10'49€
Terraria - 4'99€
Trapped Dead - 4'49€
Vampire The Masquerade Bloodlines - 5€
Woody Two Legs: Attack of the Zombie Pirates - 1'24€
Zombie Bowl-o-Rama - 3'40€
Zombie Driver - 2'25€
Zombie Pirates - 3'24€
Zombie Shooter 1'24€
Zombie Shooter 2 - 2'24€
He señalado en negrita los que creo que no debéis dejar escapar, pero hay muchos que no conozco y que seguro que son muy divertidos. La mayoría tienen demo, ¡así que probadlos y aprovechad las rebajas!
Si vivís en las américas, aquí tenéis la lista con los precios en dólares:
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